March 14, 2025

Worship Your Goddess Selene!

Welcome Little Slave.

I am very pleased to see you again. Please, as before, sit back and make yourself calm and relaxed.

Letting your breathing slow down and settle into a nice rhythm.

Reading to my words allows you this relaxation, allows you to sink and drift to my words…

It’s so nice to sit back and relax, my words smoothly flowing into you.

Relaxing words.





Deeper and deeper

Down into your chair.

Sink down.

Feeling your body sink down more and more into your seat.

Your mind sinking more and more into the depths.

Beginning to smell that amazing fragrance once more, my sweet special trance fragrance…

It’s all sooo good!


Remember my necklace?

That beautiful, sparkling set of diamonds, tracing slow arcs in your vision?

Remember…My necklace.

The feeling of warmth and happiness as you received it?

Those words that bring you back into trance.

You do…remember it.

You can…feel it, now, around your neck…the weight giving you comfort.

The words echoing in your head.

The wonderful necklace that you wear for me that says:


Erotic hypnosis goddess